Become a Museum Member
Annual membership gives you unlimited admission to the Museum and all of its events.
Your annual donation helps fund Museum programs, exhibits, and growth. We need your help sustaining the Museum’s operating expenses and its continued contribution to regional tourism. Be a part of a modern museum that preserves our unparalleled Geologic, Ice Age, Native American, Civil War, and Industrial history and works to attract visitors to our Town, County, and region.
You will receive Newsletters and advanced notices of activities and happenings. Membership includes an automatic invitation to all of the Museum’s events.
Get Involved! Join Today! Become a Museum Member!
The mission of the Museum of the Middle Appalachians is to research, interpret, and preserve the natural and cultural history of the Middle Appalachian Region. Those who are interested in promoting the mission are invited to become a member of the museum on any of the following levels.
Annual dues for each category of Associate Membership are:
All members are admitted to the museum free with the presentation of their membership card.
The Business Support Council consists of individuals and businesses wishing to support the Museum for the positive and reciprocally-beneficial returns that the Museum will bring to the region. The minimum contribution level for the Business Support Council is $300 per year, payable one time annually, or $25 per month.